About Me

My name is Nicole, a multitasker who wears many hats - a mom, a wife, a full-time salesperson, and a self-proclaimed crazy cat lady. Despite my busy schedule, I find solace in creating DIY projects and unleashing my creative side through building, restoring, renovating, sewing, and crafting. With a passion for all things DIY, I have honed my skills over the years and am now excited to share my expertise with the world. Whether it's refurbishing old furniture, creating handmade gifts, or designing my own furniture or home decor, I believe that anyone can tap into their inner creativity with a little guidance and inspiration. Through my blog, I hope to help people discover their own DIY potential and empower them to create their own unique masterpieces. Get ready to be inspired and unleash your inner crafter with me, as I take you on a journey of creativity, sharing tips, tricks, and step-by-step guides to help you bring your own DIY dreams to life.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Changes are a comin'

I'm not an eternal optimist. I generally can look at a situation from both perspectives, but here lately I feel as if I am becoming a bigger pessimist than I've ever been before. There is some daily negativity around me, and unfortunately, I am allowing it to effect my attitude. I remember a time where not much bothered me. People's actions could not influence how I felt. I really miss that about myself, and I wish to get back there. I have a lot to be thankful for, and I am thankful for the things I have - a great family, a home, a job, but there is something missing. Something inside myself. I've been in a funk like this before. Where I just felt out of control of my thoughts. It's weird to explain because it's not necessarily something I've done, or not done, or someone else has done, or not done....it's just an accumulation of "things". Essentially I am just looking to be a more laid back, happier me. So, how to do that?

A few years back I watched The Secret. I decided to apply the law of attraction to my life. I basically said that every negative thought I had would be replaced by something positive. That one rule was hard. Very hard. For around a week I had a headache from all of the thinking I was doing! It was amazing to me just how much negativity I had inside of me. After that week, it was kind of easy to just think positively about things. I felt better and I projected a more positive energy, and yes, it was being returned. From there I started to own my path. I said I would accomplish something, and I saw it being accomplished, and eventually I accomplished it. So anyway, long story short, it worked, and I'm planning to apply it to myself now.

Starting today I am going to try to be more positive. Well not just "more" positive, but POSITIVE! Wish me luck!!!!

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